The number one question I am asked when people stop me on the street is "how do you wire your home stereo?" While redoing the living room, my fiance' asked me to explain to her the details of our setup. Essentially, she was asking me to justify why, when the Harmony remote is broken, she has to turn on the microwave, then adjust no less than 32 nobs, transistors and pulleys to turn on the television. As part of this exercise, and just to prove I'm still as attractive as I ever was, I went ahead and diagrammed the whole setup in Visio. I leave it here not because your setup is the same, but because someday your respective other will posit the same question to you. When they do, please refer them to the Jabroni report and the following diagram. (Aside: They probably already reads the Jabroni Report, so no need).

Of course, the sad thing is that this diagram is still missing those vital devices that are sitting in a closet because I'm not allowed to hook them up. The laserdisc player, the CD-I, the Kenwood Entree' with the now-defunct network service, the DVD recorder that sometimes works, the model 1 TIVO without the connection, the tape deck, the minidisc player. These and many more items I can't live without aren't on this diagram just because, as I'm reminded, "I don't remember what they do" or "I don't care about your 'you haven't seen Lost Boys until you've seen it on laserdisc' argument" or "Didn't that format cause cancer?"
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