Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Time talk about "that" other blog...

I was putting together my Christmas list, and I remembered a toy from my youth I wanted called "The Revenger." So I stuck the name in Google and x-entertainment came up with the link.

The Revenger

This leads to the deep dark secret of this Blog...the author of X-Entertainment is my Doppelganger. He is my long lost brother. He is my nemesis. He wanted everything I ever wanted, tries everything I want to try, and in general is my much cooler Blog brother and BlogMate. I've been avoiding throwing you the link because, deep down, I know I'll never see you again. I've also been hoping to plagiarize his stuff when I'm out of content. But since that cat is out of the bag, I highly recommend checking out his link of awesomeness. Please, don't give up on me, though, because someday I will have something cool to share and damn it, at that point, you'll feel pretty darned bad you left.

This link to x-entertainment pretty much speaks to my soul in a way nothing else ever has...and it consumes me that he is on the cutting-edge of journalism while I stand in his shadows.

What I want to do with my life

Seriously, be honest folks, for those who know me, doesn't the following sound like me...but just somehow better.

"Collecting old cans and bottles of soda, preferably full, is one of the things about me that I try to hide from those closest. It's a shameful hobby, I admit, but it's not my fault God wired me in such a way that I cannot live without two sealed cans of Surge serving as bookends for six or seven really light books. Because sodas obviously grow rare when they're discontinued, they aren't exactly the cheapest thing to collect. So, let's try to squeeze an article out of them to justify the fact that I can't afford new soda because I bought too much ten-year-old soda."

1 comment:

  1. "This link ... pretty much speaks to my soul in a way nothing else ever has...and it consumes me..."

    wow. i'm just sooo flattered. & also /wrists
